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Apprenticeships merge work and education in a great combination where the student and employer gain the skills they need. Here at WAES, we can support students looking for an Apprenticeship and employers looking to hire an Apprentice. 

Employers looking for an Apprentice? 

We work closely with employers of all sizes throughout Westminster, London and nationally to support them in the recruitment of new apprentices and to upskill or re-skill existing staff.  

With many years’ experience in successfully training and preparing Apprentices for assessment from a wide range of businesses across a variety of sectors, we have a five-star rating from our apprenticeship employer partners on the Government’s apprenticeship service. 

If you are interested in taking on an Apprentice and want to find out more, please email 

Are you looking to become an Apprentice? 

Have a look at our Apprenticeships course and vacancies page.

Current Apprenticeship Partners